Useful Tools

All Sorts of Helpers

D&D has a lot of tools out there for you to use. From unofficial spell lists to officially made websites built to give you info and customization options, there are hundreds of useful programs to enhance play. A couple examples we will be going over are D&D Beyond, Roll20, and Anyflip. D&D Beyond is a website built completely around D&D. It has info on the game, purchasable virtual versions of all of the books, and even sections where you can create your own homebrew classes, races, monsters, and more! Roll20 is a virtual tabletop role-playing game tool that allows you to create adventure maps to play on, as well as figurines for monsters and characters. It has voice chat and video, and is not only limited to D&D. Lastly is Anyflip, a website which allows you to turn pdfs into interactive books. While Anyflip is not made for D&D, you can find free virtual copies of most D&D books on the website with a simple search.

Name Is Official? Website App Offers Information Offers Gameplay
D&D Beyond
The D&D Beyond logo.

D&D Beyond